1898-1976, usa

Alexander Calder changed the course of modern art with his three-dimensional kinetic sculptures, named “mobiles.” Resonating with tenets of futurism, constructivism and early non-objective painting, Calder’s mobiles consist of boldly colored abstract shapes, which are made from industrial materials and hang in lyrical balance. Though Calder is best known for his mobiles, his diverse practice also encompassed standing sculpture, painting, set and costume design, large-scale public installation, and jewelry-making.

Calder was an international phenomenon during his lifetime. He won the grand prize for sculpture at the 1952 Venice Biennale, where he represented the United States. He earned the French Legion of Honor and the American Presidential Medal of Freedom, among other honors. Calder has been the subject of solo exhibitions at the moma, the rijksmuseum, the louisiana museum of modern art and museo reina sofia. His work regularly sells for eight figures on the secondary market.

we have an extensive, revolving inventory of ALEXANDER CALDER WORKS in our collection and on consignment from clients. PLEASE E-MAIL US TO INQUIRE ABOUT ADDITIONAL WORKS NOT LISTED ABOVE. we ALSO offer art advisory services which include the sourcing of specific artworks through our extensive network of specialists, private collectors, curators, gallery owners, directors and artists.