b. 1983, usa

christopher florentino, best known as flore is a contemporary artist best known for his urban cubist series. formally trained in art school and took a special interest in color theory and the optical dynamics of how color moves the eye and creates the effect of space within the surface, the sense of forward and retreating motion. The multifaceted nature of Flore’s immersion in art and design manifests itself in his art. While his work feels extremely contemporary and bears an obvious debt to his participation in street art and graffiti, the deeper currents of art history are evident as well. His early introduction to Abstract Expressionism has remained deeply important to him, and one can see its influence in his work, not only in the gestural lines and marks that snake over the canvases, but also in the overall nature of the compositions that insistently draw the eye across the paintings. One can also see the continuing impact of his encounter with Picasso and Willem de Kooning in the breakdown of space into multiple perspectives. The graffiti influence is evident, not only in the snippets of texts, occasionally crossed out in a manner also explored by Basquiat, but also in the graphic quality of the works and the black outlines that define the shapes and separate forms. with exhibitions all over the world, the artist continues to grow his career through ever-evolving series.


Untitled, b. 1983 (SOLD)

Mad Good Tho, 2019

we have an extensive, revolving inventory of FLORE WORKS in our collection and on consignment from clients. PLEASE E-MAIL US TO INQUIRE ABOUT ADDITIONAL WORKS NOT LISTED ABOVE. we ALSO offer art advisory services which include the sourcing of specific artworks through our extensive network of specialists, private collectors, curators, gallery owners, directors and artists.