b. 1962, japan

Takashi Murakami is a contemporary artist from Japan whose work consists of anime and manga-inspired paintings, sculptures, prints, and merchandise. He entered the art scene in Japan’s postwar era, incorporating cultural meaning into his bold and brightly colored works of smiling flowers and figures.

The true foundation of Murakami’s work lies within collaboration amongst other growing and famed artists. His explosive colored works and sculptures have sold for millions of dollars. His style, which emphasized two-dimensional forms and bold, striking imagery, gave birth to an artistic movement known as Superflat, which not only acknowledged but glorified the interaction between the commercial and art worlds. After curating an exhibition in 2002 at the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris, Murakami collaborated in 2003 with Marc Jacobs, artistic director of the Louis Vuitton fashion house, to produce fashion accessories.

Murakami is the founder and President of Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd., through which he manages several younger artists.

we have an extensive, revolving inventory of TAKASHI MURAKAMI WORKS in our collection and on consignment from clients. PLEASE E-MAIL US TO INQUIRE ABOUT ADDITIONAL WORKS NOT LISTED ABOVE. we ALSO offer art advisory services which include the sourcing of specific artworks through our extensive network of specialists, private collectors, curators, gallery owners, directors and artists.